Buy serrano ham online from any point of Europe

Buy Serrano Ham from any point of Europe can be hard, taking into account that in English, German, Italian, Dutch or any European supermarket, the quality of hams is way different to the quality of the hams offered in Spain.

You can buy Serrano Ham, but it will be hard that it reaches the quality we want. That’s why Gastronomic Spain offers the best selection of serrano hams and Iberian hams as well as other many products typical of the Spanish gastronomy. You will love them, and they will transport you to your infancy. Consult the extensive catalog of cheap Serrano hams in our online store.

buy Serrano ham online

Where can I buy Serrano Ham online?

Do you live in any point of Europe and you want to buy Serrano ham online?

Gastronomic Spain is here to make your life easier!

Thanks to our online shop you will be able to quench that great need of eating a good serrano ham which invades your whole body. No matter wherever you live: London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Milano, Athens… Gastronomic Spain will be in charge of delivering to your doorstep any product. It may be a ham, a cold meat or any other typical Spanish product. And with FREE shipping costs.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to buy Serrano Ham and enjoy a good Spanish feast thanks to Gastronomic Spain, the best online shop of Spanish products!

The best Serrano Ham online in Gastronomic Spain

You will find the best Serrano Ham online in Gastronomic Spain with a wide variety of hams and pork shoulders, cold meats or appetizers. The serrano ham is a product obtained from the salting and air-drying of the back legs of pigs, specifically of white pig legs, whose breeds can be: Large White, Landrade or Duroc. The last one can possibly be the most well-known and demanded breed for the elaboration of serrano ham.

The serrano ham is such a delicacy and that is why it is so highly demanded in gastronomy at a national ad worldwide level. Who doesn’t know serrano ham? Who visits Spain and doesn’t want to buy a serrano ham as a souvenir?

As we know, when December comes and Christmas approaches, it is very typical to gift or to buy Serrano Ham in Spain. We are also conscious that many of you can’t come back home during these times, may it be because of labour-related reasons or any other reasons.

Gatsronomic Spain wants you to feel your people, your long feasts, the appetizers accompanied by a good wine, and all the moments that made you who you are close to you.

That’s why buy Serrano Ham online won’t be a problem anymore, as Gastronomic Spain will help you with any doubt you may have and it guarantees that you will be transporte you to these good memories with your people thanks to a good serrano ham.

Kinds of Serrano Ham

The serrano ham comes from white pig meat. The most common white breeds for its consumption are Landrace, Large White and Duroc.

What is clear is that there are various kinds of serrano ham, as many as regions or provinces. Some of them will be more expensive, others cheaper, others juicier and other not that much. To know them better, Gastronomic Spain will review the different certifications of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), which include the whole national territory and regulates all the necessary parameters to assure the quality to buy Serrano Ham.

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Protected Geographical Indication of Serrano Hams

The certifications of serrano hams are a synonym of quality and food safety. It is the best way in which hams and shoulders are prepared, produced and processed according to the requirements asked for the product specification. Among the Protected Geographical Indication of Serrano Ham we will find 3 points in Spain.

Ham from Trévelez

The PGI Ham from Trévelez is a kind of Spanish Serrano Ham with designation which has been produced and elaborated in the southeast of Granada.

The ham from Trévelez is characterised by coming from the natural medium where it is produced, specifically from the medium and lower areas of the Sierra Nevada natural park, where climate and vegetation are the conditioner for the development of a specific flora for white pigs.

Ham from Teruel Ham

The Protected Geographical Indication of Serrano Ham elaborated in the province of Teruel was the first designation of origin of Spain.

The breeds of pigs admitted by the DO are the crossbreeding of Landrace and Large White on the mother’s side and Duroc on the father’s side. The quality legs with low cholesterol levels are obtained from these pig breeds.

Ham from Serón

The Protected Designation of Origin Ham from Serón is located in the province of Almería. Compared to the designations cited above, the ham industry from Serón is a small but ambitious enterprise.

One of the most highlighted curiosities of this designation of origin is that they don’t have their own ranching, they use legs that come from white pigs’ breeds grown in countries of the European Union. Duroc is the most used breed because it improves the fat infiltration in the white pig meat, which positively affects its flavour.

Serrano Ham Curation

The PGI regulates the times and procedures of drying, but the element which makes the quality of serrano ham better is the curation time. There are three different curation times:

Bodega Serrano Ham, a period of 9 months of curation as a minimum.

Reserva Serrano Ham, curation process of 12-15 months.

Gran Reserva Serrano Ham, the curation process is of more than 15 months

Is it better to buy Serrano Ham or Pork Shoulder?

It is obvious that there are some differences between serrano ham and pork shoulder. If you are hesitating about whether to buy a whole leg of serrano ham or a pork shoulder, it would be great to set some guidelines.

Obviously, we would buy a ham or a pork shoulder depending on many factors. Firstly, depending on the amount of people that will eat ham, if it is for your own consumption, for a large family or for a group of friends. In this case, it would be convenient to buy a serrano ham for a large group of people, as the ham leg is meatier.

On the other hand, we should also take into account whether or not we have a slicer and, in that case, if we know how to use it or if the product will be cut with knife. The ham shoulder is harder to cut as it is bonier, but if this is a problem for you, you also have the format of sliced ham.

For the fussiest, the flavour is also important. In the case of pork shoulder, as the meat of the shoulder is closer to the bone, its flavour is more intense. Whereas serrano ham will have a softer and more curated flavour.

Finally, the price will depend on the quality of the meat of pig. The fact that serrano ham is bigger doesn’t mean that it will be of a better quality or more expensive, the cost is determined by its curation process.

Thus, the serrano ham isn’t better than pork shoulder, and vice versa. If you want to buy Serrano Ham or a serrano shoulder, you will have to see which one suits your needs best.

But if you are curious and you want to be an expert in pork shoulder, its characteristics and their different types, click here because we have prepared the perfect article for you.

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