Trevelez Ham
7 - 8 kg
Price for kg: €17.41
Trevelez Ham with IGP
Our Trevelez Ham is a Serrano ham with IGP (protected geografical indication) that has been aged for a minimum of 17 months. It is a ham produced by natural proceedures, without the use of additives or preservatives. A piece protected by the IGP and produced in the natural park of Granada, Andalusia.
Jamones de Juviles
Jamónes de Juviles produces the best Jamón de Trevelez. Taking care and respecting the product to the maximum. Our Jamón de Trevelez is reduced in salt as they only use the salt strictly necessary for curing.
Trevelez Ham
Weight: 7-8 kg approx.
Format: whole leg, packed in a black cotton bag.
Brand: Jamónes de Juviles
Produced by: Jamónes de Juviles S.A.
C/ Carretera 1, 18452 Juviles (Granada), Spain
Data sheet
- weight:
- 7 - 8 kg
- Ingredients:
- ham, sea salt